Professional Development Week

Jocelin Agustia (0345436)
Professional Development Week - Bachelor of Design (Hons) in Creative Media

During our self-independent week, we are required to join several webinars.

Reality Bytes From Students to Young Professionals by MAYBANK

This talk from Maybank was more toward the experiences of fresh graduates and how they got the work in Maybank. There are a total of three people that shared their journey or experiences in order to work at Maybank. There is an alumnus that is able to get into Maybank because she took part in Taylor's Creme De La Creme program. The next speaker originally reach out to an internship in Maybank, and the last speaker received a scholarship from Maybank after his SPM. 

They also shared their challenges as a fresh graduate finally going into the working world. Some of the challenges they faced are such as financial terms and acronyms. The speaker said that she had a hard time understanding the terms because she never heard of that terms before. To be honest, I kind of understand this kind of challenge as I have also experienced it myself because I also went through an internship during my last short semester.

The Power of LinkedIn & How to Beat ATS by PETRON

The topic for this webinar is obvious, which is about LinkedIn. The talk explained to us why is LinkedIn important. First of all, it is because it can help with connecting to opportunities, and it can also help build connections with people around the world, the next thing is that LinkedIn can act as a platform to research companies, and we can also keep updated with the current job trends, and lastly, LinkedIn can be used to create our own personal brand. I learned a lot about how to set up my LinkedIn account properly.

I wished we had had this talk early before I had my internship. Before my internship, I didn't really understand what the use of LinkedIn is and how is it so important for work. However, since the talk, I become aware of LinkedIn's features and how to use them properly. Hence, for my next job hunt, I will fix my LinkedIn page.

Get Design Work and Supercharge Your Career by Cult Creative

I have actually heard of Cult Creative before so I got the chance to know about them even before this talk. In the talk, they talked about what their goal is, and they also discussed the myth and facts about employment. If I must sum up, the main topic of this talk is to help fresh graduates how to get the job they want, because other than myths and facts about employment, they also talked about how to build your portfolio and what is important if you want to get the job.

One of the most insightful things for me is how an introvert also has abundant chances of getting jobs. As an introvert myself, I find it really hard to socialize with people. So things such as networking are something that I find hard to do, however, I should not make my introverted personality an issue, because if this keeps going on I won't be successful. Networking is a real thing and is essential in the working life.

I've been seeing short video clips of people's advice on what to put and what to not put inside a portfolio but honestly, it is still confusing for me. This talk helped me get a clearer understanding.


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