Digital Matte Painting - Fundamentals of Matte Painting
28.03.2022 - 20.05.2022 (Week 1 - Week 8)
Jocelin Agustia (0345436)
Digital Matte Painting - Bachelor of Design (Hons) in Creative Media
Fundamentals of Matte Painting
Module Information Booklet
This semester we finally have classes offline, during the first meeting we were briefed on what Digital Matte Painting is and how it is applied in movies and films. Mr. Kannan also briefed us on what we are supposed to do for the fundamentals. Below were the instructions given:
You will undergo a series of exercises that will enhance your understanding of matte as listed below:
Perspective Studies (Landscapes and Interiors)
- Compositions
- Value Studies
- Sky replacements
- 2.5D mattes
- Invisible Set Extensions
Since I quite struggle with perspectives I tried to practice my perspectives and below are my sketches.
figure 1.1 Perspective Studies - First Attempt
I also had to watch a lot of videos to understand perspectives, such as the vanishing point, and horizontal and vertical lines. Below are my attempts at studying it.
figure 1.2 Vanishing Point, Horizontal and Vertical Lines
After receiving some feedback, I proceeded to change some of the sketches, and below are the results.
figure 1.3 Vanishing Point, Horizontal and Vertical Lines (Fixed)
Next, we were told to study lightning on basic shapes and also had to do some exercises on sky replacements. There were 7 timelines we need to complete which are: Sunrise, morning, noon, afternoon, evening, late evening, and night.
In order to observe better, I used Zbrush to create the shapes and lighting.
figure 1.4 Lighting Study
Below are the sky replacements I did in Photoshop which are done with the same image, only replacing the skies and adjusting the lighting.
figure 1.5 Sky Replacement
Below is the compilation of the exercises throughout the past weeks.
figure 1.6 Exercises Compilation
Week 1
- Don't have sketchy lines,
- Pay attention to the vanishing lines
- Start with big shapes first, it is important so you can get it right before stacking shapes
Week 2
- Much better
- The vanishing point needs to be adjusted, there is another vanishing point (one on the horizontal line and another that leads to the sky)
- Perspective lines are more curved than orthographic
- Can use grids to help determine the perspective
So far, during these few weeks, I have an understanding of how I am still so weak in perspectives and thus need to improve better. However, I came to know a lot about what matte painting is and I would like to try out more in this area.
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