Design Research Dissertation - Journal Publication
15.11.2021 - 05.12.2021 (Week 13 - Week 15)
Jocelin Agustia (0345436)
Design Research Dissertation - Bachelor of Design (Hons) in Creative Media
Journal Publication
Module Information Booklet
Week 13
This week we started our final assignment which is to publish a journal by using the KREATE TDS journal format. Below are the reading materials for this week.
figure 1.1 Week 13 Slides
figure 1.2 How to Write A Research Paper
figure 1.3 How to Turn Your Thesis into An Article
During this week I started my journal until the problem statement section and had some feedbacks given in the next class.
Week 14
This is the final week of the semester, so I completed my journal publication and had some feedbacks given, after that, I fixed and added and below in my completed journal.
figure 1.4 Final Journal Publication
Week 13
- Section 2.1 and 2.5 from your dissertation are closely related, you can try to combine them
- Looking back at the title, “Social Ranking” suits better rather than “Status” because it defines more of the social hierarchy.
- It is stated pretty clear that you are going for the second research question and objective.
- On the part where you mentioned the color yellow surpasses the other 4 colors, add subsequently that they are still the colors of royals so that readers won’t think that those colors are not as significant as yellow
- Maximize the sentences since you have sufficient materials
- Add some figures or pictures as part of the article.
Week 14
- You can consider changing the title into The preliminary findings of Chinese/An overview of Chinese Culture Elements That Forms A Charcter's Identity and Social Ranking
- Remember the quotation mark if you quote
- Add a conclusion or findings at the end of your abstract
- Introduce that you are conducting two types of methods before directly mentioning online survey and visual analysis
- Make sure the question you selected to adhere to what you said in the methodology section
- Elaborate more on the reason why you chose that particular Chinese animation
- There is a table directly after the dragon image, it will be confusing for readers so add in some introduction to state that the table is part of the visual analysis.
- Since it is a table you cannot name it as "figure", use "table 1" instead.
I only have 3 weeks to finish this final assignment but since I want to use the last one week to focus on my other final projects, I finished them quite early. During the process, I initially didn't have any struggle but as I proceed I became a bit confused on how I should mix my literature review to this because it is relevant and significant to be discussed and because of that I always exceed the word requirement and had to shorten it again. Since this journal is short, only 15 pages I could finish it fast because I also still rather remember my research so I didn't have to read through all of them again, just skimming is enough.
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