Interactive Design - Project 1
15.4.2021 - 01.5.2021 (Week 3 - Week 5)
Jocelin Agustia (0345436)
Interactive Design - Bachelor of Design (Hons) in Creative Media
Project 1 - Prototype Design
Module Information Booklet
For project 1, we were first tasked to come up with the topic, purpose, target audience, and CTA for our website.
Topic: Thai tea
Purpose: Informational website for Thai tea lovers to know more about the history behind Thai tea, variations of Thai tea, recommendation of Thai tea based on my location, recipe.
Target audience: Tea/Thai tea lovers
CTA: Learn more and get started
Before starting on the sketches, I searched online for some inspirations
figure 1.1 Inspirations from Pinterest
Below are my sketches for my landing page.
figure 1.2 Landing Page Sketches
My 3rd sketch seems completed already, so as I was told during the feedback session I decided to go with the 3rd one.
The fonts I'll be using for my landing page would be:
Mr. Lun:
Since the third sketch seems completed, you can start on your next project with this design. Also, the numbers on the right corner are not necessary.
I had also been an enthusiast of thai tea, so for this project, I decided to create an informational website for thai tea. Since I am designing for something I like, I had a lot of fun when sketching them out. I decided to keep them simple and clean because I have never made a website yet, so I don't know whether I could make a complicated design or not.
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