Information Design / Flip Classroom

12.01.2021 - 29.01.2021 (Week 1 - Week 4)
Jocelin Agustia (0345436)
Information Design - Bachelor of Design (Hons) in Creative Media
Flip Class

FLIP 1 - Different Types of Infographics and Online Tools

Infographics are made up of Information and graphics that consist of visuals, content, and knowledge. By using infographics, it could help reveal data in a more precise and interesting way. 

5 Key elements of Infographics: Story, data, copy, design, graphics and charts. 

Types of Infographics; Statistical, Informational, Timeline, Process, Geographic, Comparison, Hierarchical, and lastly, List Infographic. 

There are many free online tools that could be used to make infographics for free, starting from Canva, Venggage, Visme, Pictochart,, and etc. 

FLIP 2 - Saul Wurman's L.A.T.C.H

This topic is really helpful for the 2nd exercise which is the L.A.T.C.H poster. 

L - Location: Arranging information based on locations.
A - Alphabet: Arranging information based on the first alphabet.
T - Time: Organizing principle for events that happen over fixed durations.
C - Category: For information that needs to be sorted out according to similarity or relatedness.
H - Hierarchy: Arranging data based on a system that organizes or ranks things, often according to power, importance, or value.

FLIP 3 - Miller's Law (Chunking)

Chunking is the process of grouping information together by separating individual elements into larger blocks and by chunking it could help the information to be easier to retain and recall. For example, is when we split the phone number from +60123456789 into (+6012) 345 - 6789, it'll be easier to remember.

FLIP 4 - Manuel Lima's 9 Directives Manifesto

Manuel Lima stated that to make good infographics, there are 9 directives that need to be pointed out:
1. Form Follows Function
2. Interactivity is Key
3. Cite Your Source
4. The Power of Narrative
5. Do Not Glorify Aesthetics
6. Look for Relevancy
7. Embrace Time
8. Aspire for Knowledge
9. Avoid Gratuitous Visualization

For this topic, it is my group's turn and miss Anis said that we did a good job in this presentation.


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