05.01.2021 - 21.02.2021 - Week 1 - Week 7) Jocelin Agustia (0345436) Information Design / Bachelor of Design (Hons) in Creative Media Final Project
Module Information Booklet
Exercise and Assignment Brief
Week 1 (05/01/2021)
My group discussed what we want to do for our final project: Disinformation and decided to use "Social Media Hoaxes" as the theme, we will use challenges that went viral on social media such as the Momo Challenge and the Blue Whale Challenge. We also need to make our presentation slide as we need to present on 8th January 2021 (our next class). Each one of us takes one topic for research and my part was Introduction to Misinformation and Disinformation (MDI).
Week 1 (08/01/2021)
We had our presentation today and it went well because we rehearse before our class. Sir Shamsul said we can move on to the next part.
figure 1.1 Social Media Hoaxes Proposal (08/01/2021)
Week 2 (12/01/2020)
We did a refresher on Adobe After Effects, Sir Shamsul provided us a recap video of the tutorial a day before. Since the majority of us are not familiar with After Effects he explained to us from scratch so we can follow. At first, he taught us how to use the keyframes and alter the position and rotation, then gave us 10 minutes to do the same animation he did or we can make an advanced more and show it to him.
Next, I learn something I never thought could be made before. The animation of each letter falling down without using separate layers. It is not that hard as we only need to click on animate and alter the position, start, and end. We also need to prepare a narrative for our project by the next class and present.
Week 2 (15/01/2020)
Today we showed our narrative to Mr. Shamsul and it turns out that our narrative is too long so he advised us to cut it down, for this project, my group member, Aisyah, will be our voice actor because Sir recommended us to have her as the VO.
figure 1.2 Social Media Hoaxes Narrative (14/01/2021)
After this, we need to show our storyboard by next week, and we all decided to distribute work:
Act 1- Fazal
Act 2- Jocelin
Acts 3- Aisyah
Act 4- Filia
Act 5- Meiling
Act 6- Saf
Each person will sketch each part and then we will need to present it by next week.
Week 3 (22/01/2021)
We decided everything together, from the visual styles, the color schemes, and fonts used. After that, we compiled everything into one presentation slide and present it in class. For next week, we need to have our animatics done.
figure 1.2 Social Media Hoaxes Storyboard (21/01/2021)
Week 4 (29/01/2021)
For the animatics, we do our own parts and we will distribute it again. So for the illustrating part, it will be me, Meiling, and Fazal, while the others (Filia, Aisyah, and Saf) will make the animations. Also, Fazal will be compiling everything together and work on the sound production.
figure 1.3 Social Media Hoaxes Animatic (29/01/2020)
Week 5 (02/02/2021)
We need to start illustrating in Ai and Fazal first helped us to make all the sketches even more detailed and then I and Meiling started on our own parts, she would be illustrating the characters while I'll do the backgrounds and other assets. However, I did get some help from the other members for some parts. This week we also showed our animatic.
figure 1.4 Detailed Sketches (31/01/2021)
Week 6
We finished all our illustration assets and so the other members are now ready to animate and do the sound production.
figure 1.5 Illustration Assets (11/02/2021)
Week 7
We finished our project! Here is the result.
figure 1.6 Final Outcome (17/02/2021)
Week 1: Good job, the direction is clear and we can proceed.
Week 2: The script is too long try to cut it down and record to see how long it takes.
Week 3: Well done on the storyboards (detailed sketches and motion descriptions), however need to think of how to make the transitions between the acts. Can proceed to the animatic.
Week 4: Sir said we did a good job on the animatic and we can proceed into cleaning up the characters, more consistent style, and develop backgrounds.
Week 5: The background color is too dark so it collides with the characters' clothes, so try to make it a bit brighter.
Week 6: The characters are all good and well crafted so we can proceed.
Week 7: -
From the beginning, I was very worried about what I could offer to help, afraid of doing nothing to contribute to this group. But, we distributed all the works pretty well so there is no one that lacks work and got nothing to do.
And This is my first time having a group project and I'm very glad to have been in this group, they were all very nice and we have a very good leader, Fazal, he helped us to stay on track with what we should do next and also helped us in many ways. There are of course lots of struggles when doing this project, everyone is so cooperative and willing to help each other that makes the process and final result of this project turn out well.
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